Multiple regression is used when there are more than one predictors or input variables. It extends the simple linear regression model by giving each predictor a separate slope coefficient within a single model.
Given the number of predictors p equation is
is the average effect on Y by increasing one of
, holding all the other predictors fixed.
are called regression coefficients.
Computing Regression Coefficients
Regression coefficients are computed using the same least squares method as for simple linear regression models.
Choose to minimize the sum of squared residuals.
Assessing Accuracy of Regression Coefficients
This is measured by answering the simple question is there a relationship between outcome variable and predictors.
Here we need to check whether all the regression coefficients are zero.
(null hypothesis)
at least one
is non-zero (alternative hypothesis)
Hypothesis test is performed by computing the F-statistics
Assessing Accuracy of Model (Model Fit)
Similar to simple linear regression RSE and are used in assessing the model fit.
- In addition to RSE and
, it is recommended to plot the data and see if there are problems.
Assumptions in Multiple Linear Regression
Two main assumptions underlying the relationship between predictor variables and output variable
- Additive – effect of changes in a predictor variable on the output variable is independent from the values of other predictor variables
- Linear – change in output variable value by one unit of change in predictor variable is constant regardless of the value of the predictor variable
Other Assumptions
- Error terms,
are uncorrelated
- Error terms have constant variance,
Extensions of Multiple Linear Regression
To accommodate non-linearity, a simple extension is polynomial regression.
Potential Problems and Remedies
1 Non-linearity of output-input variable’s relationships
- Residual Plots – Draw residual plots to identify non-linearity
- If non-linear, transform predictors to for example
2 Correlation of error terms
This occurs often in time series data.
- To identify this plot residuals as a function of time. If it’s the case we can see tracking in the residuals that is adjacent residuals having the similar values.
3 Non-constant variance in error terms
- To identify this draw the residual plot and see if there is a funnel shape
- Transform the response/output Y using a concave function like
4 Outliers
- Draw residual plots to identify
- Better approach is to plot studentized residuals which is computed by dividing each residual
by its estimated standard error.
- Remedy: Remove such observations
5 Collinearity
This means two or more predictor variables are closely related to each other.
Issues of collinearity
- Power of hypothesis test reduces
- Reduces the accuracy of regression coefficients
- Causes standard error to grow (this happens due to the reduced accuracy of regression coefficients)
- Result in decline in t-statistic
How to detect?
- Look at the correlation matrix of the predictors
- Compute variance inflation factor (VIF)
Rule of thumb: VIF > 5 or VIF > 10 indicates collinearity
- Drop one of the problematic variables from the model
- Combine collinear variables together into a single predictor variable