Getting Ready for the Next Wave(s) of Digital Transformation in Academic Sector

We observed the first wave of digital transformation in many sectors during COVID-19. The education sector also started to transform into digital by quickly adding more functionalities to their existing digital portals and introducing online teaching. Now I can see that with the introduction of ChatGPT, the education sector is going through the second wave of its transformation. Every academic institution is now concerned about academic integrity and how to respond to this change. I am also thinking about this challenge as I hear conversations from different parties…yet thinking from a different perspective and a different time frame 🙂

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Introduction to Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is both an unsupervised machine learning and natural language processing technique capable of identifying topics out of a large corpus of documents. In other words it can create topic clusters from a large document collection. It can be used in many applications particularly in discourse analysis. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is one of […]

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Extending Linear Regression Models

Linear regression models assume the relationship between predictor variables and output variable is linear. Although linear models are simple and easy to interpret, it lacks predictive power because the true relationship is rarely linear. Ridge regression, lasso, and principle component regression are improved linear models with better model fitting. Yet, still those methods use a […]

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Resampling Techniques

Resampling is the process of drawing samples repeatedly from a training data set and refitting the model on each sample to get additional information to decide on the best fit. The two of the most widely used techniques are cross-validation and bootstrap. 1. Cross-Validation Cross-validation is used to estimate the test error to evaluate model […]

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Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple regression is used when there are more than one predictors or input variables. It extends the simple linear regression model by giving each predictor a separate slope coefficient within a single model. Given the number of predictors p equation is   is the average effect on Y by increasing one of , holding all […]

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Simple Linear Regression

Linear regression is a simple supervised learning approach for dealing with quantitative outcome variables. Mathematically simple linear regression which only includes a single input or predictor variable (X) is represented as;   & are called model coefficients or model parameters. represents the intercept and  represents the slope. is the mean-zero random error term. That is […]

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